Marc Folschette

Marc Folschette


In 2002, Marc started teaching and ever since he has been teaching classes in many cultural and educational institutions in Luxembourg and all around Europe. As he strives to be the best teacher he possibly can be, he also forms himself in the history, pedagogy and psychology of dance. Next to his passion to teach dance he wanted to help more people so he got the certificate of SysAGT (Systemischer Anti-Gewalt-Trainer) & KonSt (Deeskalationstrainer) and continued with a certificate for HäuGe (domestic violence). In 2010, he founded a non lucrative association called „Street Leaders“ to help artists in Luxembourg. In 2016, he decided to found Art in motion to help everyone find their own language, breaking away from conventions and to inspire the younger generation to believe in themselves.

Danz : Hip Hop, Breakdance, House, Funk, Dancehall

Schoulniveau : All Niveauen

Disponibilitéiten : Mech am beschten Kontakteiren

Emkrees : flexibel


